(Updated) Homework policy

In math the homework I assign, will generally be to look up information to participate in a discussion for the upcoming class. Homework is ALWAYS posted with the objective and the daily agenda, which everyone is required to copy in their planners. All homework is graded because it is essential for participation in class. Homework will generally be worth 10 points. Homework must be turned in the DAY it is due! If you don't have it on that day, I will accept it one class period late for HALF the points. After that it will be a zero. 
** However, some of the HW you still must do, because it will be used in class again.   

Problem of the Day

Everyday students will solve a word problem. I am teaching model drawing based on the Singapore Math method. Singapore math uses model drawing and mental math to solve complex multi-step problems. For more information click here : www.singaporemath.com.  Each problem of the day is graded and worth 5 daily points. Each student must attempt to answer, and also copy the solution provided to them if theirs does not match. Students must also use MODEL DRAWING unless otherwise instructed. Failure to do so will result in lost points.